[Gambas-user] project for XML from Karol

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at ...9...
Fri Oct 15 23:26:42 CEST 2004

Salut Karol,

I tested your classes  who worked fine , but not only for XML.
you can also load other files,  who are not respecte the XML-syntax

and they are also splited into your ARRAY Clases
try  with the attached project with the attached file, your ARRAYs workes  
fine,  but that  is not XML.

Or tell me who I am wrong !!??

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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: testxml-0.0.9.tar.gz
Type: application/x-tgz
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URL: <http://lists.gambas-basic.org/pipermail/user/attachments/20041015/bd19d7a3/attachment.bin>
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xTableView Text='testXTV28'
   Column ID='0' Text='Column_$_0'
      Row ID='0' Type='8' Text='Row_$_0' Value='xTV1 c=0/r=0'
      Row ID='1' Type='16' Text='Row_§_1i' Value='/TV1/testXTV28/Pic_1.png'
      Row ID='2' Type='8' Text='Row_$_1' Value='xTV1 c=0/r=1'
      Row ID='3' Type='8' Text='Row_$_2' Value='xTV1 c=0/r=2'
   Column ID='1' Text='Column_$_1i '
      Row ID='0' Type='16' Text='Row_$_0' Value='/TV1/testXTV28/Pic_2.png'
      Row ID='1' Type='16' Text='Row_§_1i' Value='/TV1/testXTV28/Pic_3.png'
      Row ID='2' Type='16' Text='Row_$_1' Value='/TV1/testXTV28/Pic_4.png'
      Row ID='3' Type='16' Text='Row_$_2' Value='/TV1/testXTV28/Pic_5.png'
   Column ID='2' Text='Column_$_1'
      Row ID='0' Type='8' Text='Row_$_0' Value='xTV1 c=1/r=0'
      Row ID='1' Type='16' Text='Row_§_1i' Value='/TV1/testXTV28/Pic_6.png'
      Row ID='2' Type='8' Text='Row_$_1' Value='xTV1 c=1/r=1'
      Row ID='3' Type='8' Text='Row_$_2' Value='xTV1 c=1/r=2'
   Column ID='3' Text='Column_$_2'
      Row ID='0' Type='8' Text='Row_$_0' Value='xTV1 c=2/r=0'
      Row ID='1' Type='16' Text='Row_§_1i' Value='/TV1/testXTV28/Pic_7.png'
      Row ID='2' Type='8' Text='Row_$_1' Value='xTV1 c=2/r=1'
      Row ID='3' Type='8' Text='Row_$_2' Value='xTV1 c=2/r=2'

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