[Gambas-user] Req: Select project

Ron Onstenk ronstk at ...239...
Sun Nov 14 07:55:04 CET 2004

When I start gambas and chose 'open project' with on the 
clipboard the path to the directory and past it in the 
project box it can't open the file.
On the clipboard: file:/opt/gambasprj/contrib/XML/MySQLLogin

It would be more simple if I can type or paste the path to
the project.
Also I like to be able to open a existing project by
typing 'gambas /opt/gambasprj/contrib/XML/charlie/_daniel/MySQLLogin'
and if the project does not exist a conform to create it.
The location to create can be in a the basepath as explained next.

With a 'basepath = /opt/gambasprj/share' in the gambas.conf it
can be add if only one name as project name is given or add if
given without leading '/' i.e. 

  'gambas networking/ServerSocket' will be transformed by
  'gambas <basepath>/networking/ServerSocket' to
  'gambas /opt/gambasprj/share/networking/ServerSocket'

When start as 'gambas makedust' and  'makedust' is not existing
then it will be made after confirm in basepath or with
'gambas --new makedust' it is made without confirm if not exist 
and open if exist.

The most pleasant is be able to give a project name to automatic 
open if one is given with full path.
Hope this can before or in version 1.0 the case.

grtz Ron

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