[Gambas-user] Pb with database update.

Jack jscops at ...11...
Mon Mar 29 23:24:24 CEST 2004

Hello Gambers !

When i update my base (please see the command below) i have this message.
"Expression too complex. Too many operands à la ligne 507 dans Fclient.class"
My table "Tab" have more than 30 fields. How to do for update my database ?

Thank you very much for yours explanations.

_~ Jack ~_

My command :
   rResult = DB.Exec("UPDATE  "&Tab&"  SET  Cli_Code = '" & Cd.Text & "' , 
Cli_Rs_Soc = '" & CV.Text & "' , Cli_Nom = '" & Nm.Text & "' , Cli_Pnm = '" & 
Pnm.Text & "' , Cli_Adr1 = '" & Adresse1.Text & "' , Cli_Adr2 = '" & 
Adresse2.Text & "' , Cli_Cd_Ptl = '" & CP.Text & "' , Cli_Ville = '" & 
Burdist.Text & "', Cli_Email = '" & Email.Text & "', Cli_Tel_Dom = '" & 
Teldom.Text & "', Cli_Tel_Bur = '" & Telbur.Text & "', Cli_Tel_poste = '" & 
Poste.Text & "', Cli_Pble = '" & Portable.Text & "',Cli_Fx1 = '" & Fax1.Text 
& "', Cli_Fx2 = '" & Fax2.Text & "', Cli_Plaf_Ecrs = '" & Encours.Text & "', 
Cli_Cd_Bq = '" & Codebanque.Text & "' , Cli_Cd_Gch = '" & Codeguichet.Text & 
"', Cli_Cle_Rib = '" & Cle.Text & "', Cli_Num_Cpt = '" & Numcompte.Text & "', 
Cli_Dmln = '" & Dom.Text & "' , Cli_Cd_Ent = '" & Cent.Text & "', Cli_Cd_Acc 
= '" & Cacc.Text & "', Cli_Ref_Tir = '" & tire.Text & "', Cli_Id_Tva = '" & 
Idtva.Text & "', Cli_Blq = '" & Convbool(Cbloque.Value) & "', Cli_Exo = '" & 
Convbool(Cexo.Value) & "', Cli_Rlvc = '" & Convbool(Relcompte.Value) & "', 
Cli_Obs = '" & Divers.Text & "', Cli_Collectif = '" & Collectif.Text & "' 
WHERE Cli_Code = '" & Colcli.Current.key & "'")

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