[Gambas-user] REQ: Combo/List-box case insensitive sort

ron ronstk at ...239...
Sat Mar 27 04:28:33 CET 2004

I hope it is possible. 
It prevents to first put it in a string array
sorting and then transfer to the combobox.
Also memory allocation by the array is then gone.

I have only 256Mbyte :)
My mind is still by my TRS80 with 48kByte at 1.7 Mc

Sneaky it is a clone of it with 512Kbyte and 2MB ramdisk
Floppy was standard 360kb, o what a space I had.
My floppy was at that time 1440 at 5 1/4 inch
Wham, the hole operating in ramdisk.
Top speed. Working with 5Mc clock. LOL :)

For the listbox the same request.
As I asume they are internal the same that can be easy.
Or is it a QT widget problem?

Many nice greetings,


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