[Gambas-user] Bug: FEditor

ron ronstk at ...239...
Thu Mar 18 17:55:42 CET 2004

Hallo Benoit

I had several times an error in FEditor with fatal result and closing all
without it is saved. :(

Function is IsCurrentProc()
line 598
 FOR iPos = 0 TO aLine.Count - 1
    IF aLine[iPos] = "FUNCTION" THEN
      bProc = TRUE

  IF bProc THEN $sName = aLine[iPos + 1]  '<----------- 598
  RETURN bProc
I do not know when exactly this function runs but asuming FUNCTION can be the 
last line then iPos is already at the last line 
With the BREAK in continues after NEXT
bProc=True and then iPos + 1  is out of bounds !
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