[Gambas-user] gambas documentation update

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Mon Mar 1 16:25:31 CET 2004

On Sunday 29 February 2004 23:46, Rob wrote:
> The wiki is current to 0.90 now, and I have made all of Benoit's
> last round of change requests except three.  You can see my
> whole list including what I did in this last round of changes
> at:

Great news! :-)

> http://www.binara.com/gambas-wiki/bin/view/Gambas/WikiExportTodoList
> 1) hidden methods: "I was not clear for the _new, _get & _set
> method: create a page GambasComponent...new as you did, but just
> put a link to it in the class page: something like:..."
> I see what you're getting at, but I haven't been creating new,
> get or set pages since sometime in the 0.70 series if I remember
> right.  I never made them intentionally to begin with, since the
> instantiation syntax needs to be on the main class page and
> _get/_set are supposed to be invisible to the user.

Yes. But sometimes, _get and _set are more complicated than just accessing an 
array, and so need more explanations (like Picture[...] for example). Maybe 
these explantation could be written directly on the class page...

> 2) automatic or assisted translation:
> I intend to remove all the non-English wikis that haven't had any
> activity since 0.80 or so.  Then, after you okay the wiki in its
> present form (or after any subsequent rounds of changes) I will
> re-export the GambasFrancais wiki and set up the script we
> talked about to mark pages as "TranslationNeeded" and
> potentially fetch a machine-translated version to provide a
> starting point for translators.  I can't really do that till you
> give the English wiki your blessing, though, so I can base the
> French wiki on it.

No problem. I waited for you to finish updating the wiki so that I can start 
updating the documentation.

> 3) "Is it possible to insert the class name in symbol page
> titles?"
> Possible?  Yeah, sure.  Possible before the next Gambas release?
> Not likely. :)  The symbol page titles are in the shell
> document, not the exported document, so I will need to sed all
> the symbol pages on the server while being careful not to touch
> the class or component pages.  I wouldn't even know where to
> begin right now, but I recognize it'll need to be done
> eventually.

Is it possible to add a <title> markup in the wiki pages that do nothing but 
help detecting the titles ?

A more important request:

Writing many pages by internet is slow. Is it possible for you to send me the 
wiki pages as a tar.gz ? I then I will update them (just the component part) 
and then send them back to you ? Of course you will have to compare them to 
see I somebody else didn't try to modify the pages in the same time. But we 
can put a message on the wiki to warn people not to edit component 

How can I install a wiki on my own computer, so that I can test what I did 
before sending it to you ?

Best regards,

Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...

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