[Gambas-user] programming question
Hans-Martin Bundeshund
bundeshund at ...467...
Fri Jun 18 16:09:38 CEST 2004
look at myx attachment
Am Freitag, 18. Juni 2004 15:02 schrieb ZENODotus:
> I have a little programming question I can't get out
> For a programm I'm writing I want to use mouseovers,
but I have no idea how
> to implement that.
> For example:
> If I have a text like "This is an example", I want
that my mouse goes over
> "This", a little form pops up with some explanation,
if it goes over "is"
> the same, over "an" the same...
> How can I do that in gambas... Please help... Thanks
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: MouseOver-0.0.1.tar.gz
Type: application/x-tgz
Size: 716 bytes
Desc: MouseOver-0.0.1.tar.gz
URL: <http://lists.gambas-basic.org/pipermail/user/attachments/20040618/1c64d9d1/attachment.bin>
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