[Gambas-user] Window Manager

Craig Packard c0de3 at ...43...
Wed Jun 16 22:57:51 CEST 2004

I've seen talk on here in the past as to problems with
getting the syntax popup thingy to work.  Mine pops up
for a micro-second and the disappears.  I have Gambas
on Fedora 1.  I found that the popup window for
selecting my properties/methods didn't work correctly
too.  I had to manually take my mouse and select the
entry I wanted from the list.  

So I switched to icewm and the popup for selecting my
properties/methods now works better the window that
comes up is really small only showing me like two
options instead of 5 or 6, but the syntax help still
doesn't come up.

I guess my question is what WM are you folks using to
get all the features to work properly?

             - Craig

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