[Gambas-user] Some bugs

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Mon Jun 14 23:11:52 CEST 2004

On Thursday 10 June 2004 20:28, Nigel Gerrard wrote:
> Further to the answer below, currently gambas only creates field names
> in lower case. e.g. if you have used  hTable.Field.Create("LOWER",
> gb.String)
> then the field name will be converted to lower case - lower.
> I'm not sure why the driver needs to convert case before creating a field;
> perhaps Benoit can answer.
> Nigel

I did that because I innocently thought that in SQL fields were case 
insensitive !

SQL is the worst implemented standard I ever see! There isn't two database 
backends that have the same behaviour !

I think we should simulate that fields are case insensitive by:

1) create fields in lower case (already done)
2) convert fields name in lower case when reading the database (partially 

Tell me Nigel if you can send me an update of the database driver soon. If you 
can, I will wait before releasing the 0.94. Otherwise, I want to make more 
important changes in the Gambas database drivers before the 1.0, as I told 
you before.


Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...

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