[Gambas-user] Report Preview

Rob sourceforge-raindog2 at ...94...
Fri Jul 16 18:50:25 CEST 2004

On Friday 16 July 2004 00:36, Budi Arief Gusandi wrote:
> Just trying mozilla on my mandrake 10 (nothing fancy ;(...,
> but hey the preint preview of mozilla is really kewl. Anybody
> can get the code of the preview and plug it into gambas as
> component ? that would be good if we make a report via HTML
> and displayed on it...

I don't think HTML is suitable for reports because (as far as I 
know) there is no tag to force a page break, for example.  That 
would be kind of important for printed reports since you need 
things like a page header and footer on each page.

I could see generating an OpenOffice file somehow, or using the 
KDE reporting engine (maybe GNOME has one too?) or maybe even 
finding some way to subclass khtml to add the reporting features 
we needed, but I think the best solution is to use or make an 
engine more oriented towards print output than displaying on 


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