[Gambas-user] A question

Rob sourceforge-raindog2 at ...94...
Thu Jan 8 21:28:27 CET 2004

On Thursday 08 January 2004 15:17, Fabien Bodard wrote:
> Gambas need really a RichText Control with at less the RTF
> support. I know ... we havn't really time to do this, But ...

Something that subclassed DrawingArea and kept its own buffer 
might be the best way, especially if it could somehow scroll the 
stuff off the top without having to redraw the entire thing 
every time.  I'm envisioning something like

dim s as RichTextSelection

s = myRichText.Select(102, 3)
s.Font.Size = 18
s.ForeColor = &HFF0000&

which would turn the three characters starting at position 102 
red and large.  I don't know if it makes more sense to implement 
these classes in Gambas (or if it's even possible) or in 
gb.qt.ext or some new C component.

But, that's a Copious Free Time item ;)


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