[Gambas-user] gambas 0.80

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Thu Jan 1 20:42:47 CET 2004

Happy new year to everybody,

I released a new version for this new year, with the following main changes:

* Gambas can be installed in /usr/bin now. I don't know if it really works !

* A new component in alpha version: gb.vb. This is a Visual Basic 
compatibility component: it provide static functions that simulate the 
behaviour of some Visual Basic functions that differ from the Gambas ones. At 
the moment, there are only two functions partially implemented !

* somes fixes in the IDE.

* You can insert any character in a string with the \xHH syntax, where HH is 
the hexadecimal code of the caracter. For example, "\x0A" is a newline. 

* Dialog.Filter now is an array of strings, each string being a filter. Now, 
instead of doing: Dialog.Filter = "Text files (*.txt);;All files (*.*)" You 
do: Dialog.Filter = [ "Text files (*.txt)", "All files (*.*)" ]

* Drag.X and Drag.Y are two new properties that return the mouse position of a 
drop. Use them with the new TreeView, ListView and ColumnView Find() method 
that find an item from the mouse coordinates.

I think this version is ready for becoming a 1.0 release candidate.

I wrote on the Wiki an explanation of what Gambas 1.0 aims at. Read it at 
http://www.binara.com/gambas-wiki/bin/view/Gambas/GambasFuture , and tell me 
what you think about it.

Now, I'm just waiting for an updated Wiki set of documentation pages that I 
could fill in. Happy new year, Rob :-)

Best regards,

Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...

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