[Gambas-user] TableView
Benoit Minisini
gambas at ...1...
Tue Feb 24 17:49:14 CET 2004
On Tuesday 24 February 2004 12:11, ron wrote:
> On Monday 23 February 2004 22:15, Charlie Reinl wrote:
> > Salut,
> >
> > I would like to use the TableView to work not with a DB-result.
> > Something like TV.row[1,1]= "Me" , TV.row[2,1]= "You"
> >
> > I'm not able to find the way, to show the Data in the grid.
> > Can somebody light me the way ????
> >
> > I would like it to use it in my Frequest for gdm, so the left outer
> > Column can be show as Header, and stay fix on left side.
> >
> > Amicalement
> > Charlie
> Wel in the Database Manager is a good example to find.
> My way using a fixed row count and variable columns count.
> the opposit way for fixed columns and variable rows can work the same.
> dim tblcols as variant[]
> dim tblrows as variant[]
> dim col_title as string[]
> dim row_title as string[]
> dim rowdata as variant[]
> dim rowfill as string[]
> dim x as integer
> tableview.cows.count = desired_rows
> tableview.columns.count = desired_columns
> tblcols=new variant[]
> ' fill row_title[] with the titles you want
> ' fill col_title[] with names you need
> ' set column header
> tableview.Columns = desired_columns
> for x = 0 to desired_columns-1
> tableview.columns[x].text = col_title[x]
> next
> ' set row header
> for x=0 to desired_rows-1
> tableview.rows[x].text = row_title[x]
> next
> 'create cell data for each row in one column
> rowfill = new array()
> for x = 0 to desired_rows-1
> rowfill.add("") ' so fill it with zero length string
> next
> ' fill master grid
> for x=0 to desired_columns-1
> rowdata = new array()
> rowdata = rowfill 'fill it with already preset data
> tblcols.add (rowdata) ' add rowdata for each column
> next
> ' here the tblarr[] contains the row values array so
> ' tblcols[column_nr][row_nr] gives the cell data back
> ' for the tableview_data event after the hiding object is removed !
> ' *************************************************************************
> ' * !! this one was the missing part, I had empty table after the window
> ' * that was hiding the table was moved away.
> ' *************************************************************************
> public sub tableview1_data(row as integer, column as integer)
> ' in the database manager the data is taken from the dataabase table
> ' by asking the record for row and the field for the column
> ' her i now get it from my array grid tblcols[]
> tableview.data.text = tblcols[column][row]
> ' tableview.data.forecolor = tblcolor[column][row]
> end
> ' routine to store and update data
> public sub UpdateData( row as integer, column as integer, text as string)
> tblcols[column][row] = text ' this set data for tableview refreshing
> tableview[row,column].data.text = text 'this update screen
tableview[row,column].Refresh should work better!
Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...
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