[Gambas-user] Reading hex from a string socket read

danielcampos at ...282... danielcampos at ...282...
Thu Feb 19 15:22:30 CET 2004

>I am using the socket component to make a tcp
>connnection and read some data.  The data needs to be
>decoded from hex.  I'm doing that with this command:
>Dim TwoByteCode AS Integer
>TwoByteCode = Val(Str$(Asc(Mid$(Buffer,1,1))) &

Could you send me any example of that string? I think the conversion
you're doing does not really convert from hexadecimal format to Integer, for example:

Hexadecimal "FF" (= decimal 255)


--- With the other character:


Then you use "&" operator so the final result is:

"7070" and then you assign it to a Integer so it is -7070-


I don't understand very well...


Daniel Campos

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