[Gambas-user] Program runs wild

Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Tue Dec 21 11:45:46 CET 2004

Benoit Minisini schrieb:
> On Monday 20 December 2004 12:28, Eilert wrote:
>>this is a small Gambas app I made for monitoring who is online in the
>>system. The program calls "who" and displays the output in a list. There
>>is an LCD number showing the number of people logged in. That's all.
>>There is no regular base on which the program starts going nuts. All I
>>can say is "sometimes" it starts consuming more and more processing
>>power while still keeping to run. If I stop it and restart it,
>>everything is fine again, until next time... :-)
>>Here is the code:
>>' Gambas class file
>>PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
>>   Form1.Title = "KwhoList 1.0"
>>   Form1.X = 713
>>   Form1.Y = 510
>>   Form1.Width = 270
>>   Form1.Height = 280
>>   whoListeLesen
>>PUBLIC SUB Timer1_Timer()
>>   whoListeLesen
>>PUBLIC SUB Process_Read()
>>DIM t$ AS String
>>   ListBox1.Add(t$)
>>   LCDNumber1.Value = ListBox1.Count
>>SUB whoListeLesen()
>>   ListBox1.Clear
>>   EXEC [ "who" ] FOR READ
>>PUBLIC SUB Form_Resize()
>>   ListBox1.Width = Form1.Width
>>   ListBox1.Height = Form1.Height - 50
>>When initiated, the program reads the list once to have a display. The
>>timer is on 10 seconds. So every 10 seconds I can see a new list.
>>Any ideas where there is a reason for Gambas to start consuming 88 %
>>processing power?
> What happens if you read data from 'who' process this way:
> ' Gambas class file
> PRIVATE $sBuffer AS String
> ...
> PUBLIC SUB Process_Read()
>   DIM sData AS String
>   DIM iPos AS Integer
>   READ #LAST, sData, -255
>   $sBuffer = $sBuffer & sData
>   DO
>     iPos = Instr($sBuffer, "\n")
>     IF iPos = 0 then BREAK
>     ListBox1.Add(Left$($sBuffer, iPos - 1))
>     $sBuffer = Mid$($sBuffer, iPos + 1)
>   LOOP
>   LCDNumber1.Value = ListBox1.Count
> ...
> Tell me the result!
> Regards,

Hi Benoit,

malheureusement pas

It still shows the same behaviour, especially when I've switched to 
another screen and come back after some time. But even when I stay on 
the same screen and wait for half an hour or more, suddenly it begins to 
accumulate processing power. First on one processor, then it spreads on 
all four (it's a Xeon).

So, it can't have to do with the string processing, maybe it's the timer?


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