[Gambas-user] Program runs wild

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Mon Dec 20 12:38:17 CET 2004

On Monday 20 December 2004 12:28, Eilert wrote:
> Hi,
> this is a small Gambas app I made for monitoring who is online in the
> system. The program calls "who" and displays the output in a list. There
> is an LCD number showing the number of people logged in. That's all.
> There is no regular base on which the program starts going nuts. All I
> can say is "sometimes" it starts consuming more and more processing
> power while still keeping to run. If I stop it and restart it,
> everything is fine again, until next time... :-)
> Here is the code:
> ' Gambas class file
> PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
>    Form1.Title = "KwhoList 1.0"
>    Form1.X = 713
>    Form1.Y = 510
>    Form1.Width = 270
>    Form1.Height = 280
>    whoListeLesen
> PUBLIC SUB Timer1_Timer()
>    whoListeLesen
> PUBLIC SUB Process_Read()
> DIM t$ AS String
>    ListBox1.Add(t$)
>    LCDNumber1.Value = ListBox1.Count
> SUB whoListeLesen()
>    ListBox1.Clear
>    EXEC [ "who" ] FOR READ
> PUBLIC SUB Form_Resize()
>    ListBox1.Width = Form1.Width
>    ListBox1.Height = Form1.Height - 50
> ---
> When initiated, the program reads the list once to have a display. The
> timer is on 10 seconds. So every 10 seconds I can see a new list.
> Any ideas where there is a reason for Gambas to start consuming 88 %
> processing power?
> Rolf

What happens if you read data from 'who' process this way:

' Gambas class file

PRIVATE $sBuffer AS String


PUBLIC SUB Process_Read()

  DIM sData AS String
  DIM iPos AS Integer

  READ #LAST, sData, -255

  $sBuffer = $sBuffer & sData
    iPos = Instr($sBuffer, "\n")
    IF iPos = 0 then BREAK

    ListBox1.Add(Left$($sBuffer, iPos - 1))
    $sBuffer = Mid$($sBuffer, iPos + 1)

  LCDNumber1.Value = ListBox1.Count



Tell me the result!


Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...

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