[Gambas-user] Question on string[]

Laurent Carlier lordheavy at ...512...
Mon Dec 13 23:12:09 CET 2004

Le Lundi 13 Décembre 2004 15:19, Eilert a écrit :
> Hi,
> I just found that it's possible to re-define a module-public string
> array from within the same sub - is that allowed?
> static myArray as string[]
> sub myProcedure()
> .
> .
> .
>  myArray = new string[]
> .
> .
>  myArray.Add(something...)
> end sub
> So if I call myProcedure again, no complaint, and everything runs
> through again like expected :-) But - what happens here? Is myArray made
>   again, i. e. like REDIM or is a copy made? Buffer overflow...?
> Rolf

The first myArray is a global variable, the second one is a local variable.
In myProcedure sub, you have only access to the local one (as it have the same 
name !) and of course this one is destroyed at the end of the sub.


Laurent Carlier

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