[Gambas-user] Re: Gambas Documentation

Marcelo Duschkin mardus at ...298...
Mon Aug 30 17:24:20 CEST 2004

El Dom 29 Ago 2004 15:22, Rob escribió:
|> That would be wonderful.  I'll try to put together an outline we
|> (and anyone else who can help) can work from, and I'll put it on
|> the wiki.

OK. I'll wait for that.

|> I would like for it to be available in printed form somehow[...]
|> and I think we should work out some 
|> arrangement such that anyone who contributes can get it
|> published in his own country, or something like that.

There are some facilities for that in Buenos Aires.

|> It's not 
|> that I really want to make money off of it, but that I dearly
|> wish to walk into Barnes and Noble someday and see a Gambas book
|> among the wasteland of VB ;)

I agree.  "I dearly wish to walk" into El Ateneo or Cuspide (*) and see... :)

(*) Greatest book stores in Buenos Aires

-- Para el cierre: ---
El Maestro Pen Guin al azar citaba:
La pura lana virgen se obtiene de las ovejas frígidas.
- - -
Marcelo Duschkin - Buenos Aires - Argentina
mardus at ...298...

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