[Gambas-user] PRB: The EnsureVisible need a quote??

ron ronstk at ...239...
Thu Apr 8 19:24:50 CEST 2004

In my project View is ColumnView

 IF NOT view.Exist(mkey) THEN 
    View.Add(mkey, mTxt)
     View[mkey].EnsureVisible'   <----------- Error without the quote ?????

  IF NOT view.exist(skey) THEN
    View.Add(skey,sTxt , pPict, mkey)
    View[skey].EnsureVisible  <----- no problem

  IF NOT view.exist(eKey) THEN
    View.Add(ekey  ,eTxt  , pPict, skey) 
    view[ekey].EnsureVisible'   <----------- Error without the quote ?????

.EnsureVisible    gives error
.EnsureVisible '  gives error with space
.EnsureVisible'   is ok for the first and third one

the second does not care about it
The View.Add() is done by both and items exist.
Goes wrong during the compile

Any one a idea what can be wrong?


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