[Gambas-user] RedHat 9

Carlo Malfatti carlo.m at ...122...
Sat Sep 27 11:52:35 CEST 2003

Il sab, 2003-09-27 alle 10:27, Bernard PRE ha scritto:
> hi !
> I can't compile gambas 70a on my linux box ...
> Can somebody help me to upgrade qt ?
> (I don't know which package must il update ans how-to)

This should work: 
go here (or other rawhide mirrors):

search for qt-3 and download qt-3.1.2-14.i386.rpm (or similar name, this
is rawhide and version number will increase with time) and other related

As root type: rpm -Uvh qt-3.1.2-14.i386.rpm

rpm will inform you which other packages you need to upgrade/add.
The infos returned by rpm will give you a hint on the package name
(probably qt-devel and other dependent package already installed on your
If you are on slow connection beware qt-devel size (more than 12M).
Other Qt packages are much smaller.

Once downloaded the additional requested packages keep upgrading with
rpm -Uvh [package name]. 
You may add several packages on the same line, this will help solve
cross dependencies.

If you have all needed packages you'll see rpm installing them,
otherwise you have to start again at rawhide and download any additional
requested file.

Sorry, but I don't know which specific packages need to be updated.

Hope this help,

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