[Gambas-user] My solution for missing properties

Rob sourceforge-raindog2 at ...94...
Fri Sep 12 19:12:37 CEST 2003

On Friday 12 September 2003 08:01, R Onstenk wrote:
> Is this something to add to the Wiki "DifferencesFromVB " Rob?

I have been thinking along the same lines as you, but I think 
it's complex enough that it should probably get a "How Do I" 
page and then link to it from DifferencesFromVB as well.

I've been messing around with frm2form again in the last couple 
of days for a client, and this was one of the things I started 
implementing (automatically creating a "sub init()" with this 
sort of thing in it, and a standard _new routine for the form 
that calls that sub as well as instantiating itself.)  It 
doesn't really work yet though, at least as written by me. ;)


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