[Gambas-user] Convertion bug or problemm undestood !!!

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Tue Nov 11 20:27:22 CET 2003

Le Mardi 11 Novembre 2003 17:40, Olivier Coquet a écrit :
> Le Mardi 11 Novembre 2003 14:27, Benoit Minisini a écrit :
> > Why are you afraid when the interpreter raise errors ?
> >
> > Regards,
> Because it's not possible to have a good gestion on error, if i use CATCH
> all errors are catched and it's not my goal.
> if the function return me an empty string I can Act with another code to
> correct this problem durring execution without brocking my code.
> Regards
> Olivier

If you want this behaviour, you can do something like that:

  DIM vVal AS Variant
  DIM sData AS String

  ' If the following statement fails, then vVal will keep its default value
  ' that is NULL
  TRY vVal = Val(sData)

I know that this is not the standard Basic behaviour, but Gambas ALMOST means 
Basic! :-)


Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...

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