[Gambas-user] OFF: Linus Torvalds' Q&A

Nelson Ferraz nferraz at ...184...
Sun Nov 2 23:41:37 CET 2003

Last month, Geekcruises' Linux Lunacy cruise to Alaska proved that Linux 
and Open Source are hot enough topics to even warm up Northern waters. 
The feature of the trip was a candid Q&A with Linux creator Linus Torvalds.

A small quote: "The killer application for Windows was Visual Basic. It 
allowed you to make your hokey, self-made applications that did 
something stupid for your enterprise. But you could make them look good, 
and you could use a database. And you didn't have to understand it. Or 
care. Right? And that was a huge leap".

I wonder if he has ever heard about Gambas... ;)

Complete transcript:




Nelson Ferraz

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