[Gambas-user] 0.55 upgrade

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...2...
Wed May 7 11:09:33 CEST 2003

Le Mercredi 7 Mai 2003 09:35, visual basic a écrit :
> Hello everybody,
> I’m really new in linux and of course gambas too.
> So I have a stupid question here and hope someone will answer it.
> How do I upgrade my gambas 0.54 ?
> Just install gambas 0.55 to replace 0.54 or I have to uninstall the old one
> first.
> If have to uninstall, how do I do it ?
> regard's
> Sam

You can uninstall a software from source package by doing "make uninstall", 
but it is not necessary, nor advisable (GNU guys dixit).

Just compile the new package, and the "make install" command will reinstall 
the software on top of the other.

This is not a problem because all gambas files are stored on one sole 
directory (/opt/gambas by default), and because there is no registry on Unix 
like who you know.

If you prefer, you can "rm -rf /opt/gambas" before reinstalling.


Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...

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