[Gambas-user] Running at last!!!

michel vilain vilainm at ...43...
Wed Jun 18 20:03:44 CEST 2003

Yup, on my NVidia based Mdk9.1 box, I can finally
compile and start Gambas! I even succeeded in making a
standalone "Hello World" program. This will be fun.
I did a ./configure, make and (as root) make install.
Now, root can run Gambas just fine, but as user, I
sh: line 1: /tmp/gambas/2485.1.tmp: Permission denied
Project.InitVersion.152: #43: Access forbidden
Now, after changing permisions on /temp/gambas, all is

Benoit, I'm really sorry to hear about your job
misfortune. I hope (and I'm sure we all do) that you
find a replacement job pretty quick. 

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