[Gambas-user] another reason I love Gambas
Benoit Minisini
gambas at ...2...
Sat Jun 7 11:28:17 CEST 2003
Le Vendredi 6 Juin 2003 19:35, Rob a écrit :
> I just added all the documentation for all of the component class members
> to the wiki in about 10 minutes by hacking the Gambas IDE source to do most
> of the work for me ;)
> In the FExplorer class I added
> PUBLIC avc AS File
> to the beginning and
> TRY KILL "/tmp/gambasdoc/" & aKey[1] & "." & akey[2] & ".txt"
> TRY OPEN "/tmp/gambasdoc/" & aKey[1] & "." & akey[2] & ".txt" FOR CREATE AS
> #avc
> BGCOLOR=#C0C0C0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD>" & sTitle & "</TD></TR></TABLE><BR>" &
> sDesc
> TRY CLOSE #avc
> to the end of the RefreshInfo sub in that class. Then I hit F5, loaded a
> random project I had laying around, hit F2, and cursored through the entire
> list of component classes while it dumped HTML files for each class member
> to a directory in /tmp. I paused after each component to move them into a
> subdirectory and when I was done, ran the following Perl script to
> integrate them with the class documentation I'd already extracted and
> wikify the lot (I would have used Gambas again but I don't know how to do
> regular expressions in Gambas ;) ):
Why not making a gambas perl regular expression component ? :-)
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> for $f (`find`) {
> next if $f =~ m|/children/|;
> next if $f =~ m|/classes/|;
> next unless $f =~ /\.txt$/;
> chomp $f;
> $g = `cat $f`;
> $basename = $f;
> $basename =~ s/.txt$//;
> # convert filenames to wiki words
> $f =~ s/\//-/g;
> $f =~ s/^\.-//;
> $f =~ s/\[\]/Array/;
> $f =~ s/^gb-/GambasComponentGb/;
> $f =~ s/^gb.eval-/GambasComponentEval/;
> $f =~ s/^gb.db-/GambasComponentDb/;
> $f =~ s/^gb.qt-/GambasComponentQt/;
> $f =~ s/^gb.qt.ext-/GambasComponentQtExt/;
> $f =~ s/^gb.qt.kde-/GambasComponentQtKde/;
> $f =~ s/^gb.qt.editor-/GambasComponentQtEditor/;
> $f =~ s/\.//g;
> $f =~ s/txt$/.txt/;
> # convert HTML content to wiki text
> $g .= `cat children/$basename* 2>/dev/null`;
> $g =~ s/<i>\s*(.+?)\s*<\/i>/ _$1\_ /gi;
> $g =~ s/<b>\s*(.+?)\s*<\/b>/ \*$1\* /gi;
> $g =~ s/<h1>\s*(.+?)\s*<\/h1>/\n---+$1/is;
> $g =~ s/<h1>\s*(.+?)\s*<\/h1>/\n---++<nop>$1/gis;
> $g =~ s/<h2>\s*(.+?)\s*<\/h2>/\n---++<nop>$1/gsi;
> $g =~ s/<br>/\n/gsi;
> $g =~ s|/usr/lib/control|/gambas-wiki/images|gis;
> $g =~ s|<IMG SRC="img/16/finger.png">|\n * |gis;
> $g =~ s/<\/?table.*?>/\n/gis;
> $g =~ s/<\/?font.*?>//gis;
> $g =~ s/<\/?tr.*?>/\n/gis;
> $g =~ s/<\/?td.*?>/\n/gis;
> $g =~ s/<p.*?>/\n\n/gis;
> $g =~ s/<h3>\n/\n/gis;
> $g =~ s/<h3>\s*(.+?)\s*<\/h3>/\n---+++<nop>$1/gi;
> $g =~ s/\n\n+/\n\n/gis;
> $g =~ s/^\n+//gis;
> $g =~ s/<\/h3>//gis;
> open OUT, ">fixed/$f";
> print OUT $g;
> close OUT;
> print "$f\n";
> }
> And finally I scp'ed the whole thing up to the wiki. So now we have a
> searchable, easily updated reference to all the component class members in
> the same format as the rest of the language.
> Try doing that in VB!
> Rob
Now I understand why I didn't see the symbol help in the wiki...
Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...
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