[Gambas-user] vb2gb.pl - VB conversion tool

Nelson Ferraz nferraz at ...184...
Mon Jul 21 18:18:57 CEST 2003

Here's the latest version of vb2gb. Just copy the three files to one

The most important change is that vb2gb will create both .form and
.class files automatically. (Please note that it won't translate the VB
code yet).


	./vb2gb.pl <filename.frm>

You can translate many VB forms at once:

	./vb2gb.pl *.frm

Let me know how it works!


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package Frm2Class;

use strict;

### Variables

# Strings to translate (vb format => gb format)
my %trans = (
		'\r'            => '',
		'Caption'       => 'Text',
		'Command'       => 'Button',
		'CommandButton' => 'Button',
		'ButtonButton'  => 'Button',
		'Label'         => 'TextLabel',

# Twips properties that must be converted to pixels
my @twips = qw (Top Left Width Height);

# Strings we don't know how to translate
my @nontrans = qw (
			LinkTopic MaxButton MinButton ScaleHeight ScaleMode
			ScaleWidth ShowInTaskbar TabIndex Picture
			StartUpPosition Alignment BackStyle

### Subs

sub Translate_line {
  # Returns translated line

  my $input = shift;

  # Return if non translatable
  foreach my $nontrans (@nontrans) {
    return if $input =~ /$nontrans/;

  # Translate
  foreach my $re (keys %trans) {
    my $regexp = "\$input =~ s/$re/$trans{$re}/g";
    eval ($regexp);

  # Convert twips
  foreach my $t (@twips) {
    if ($input =~ /$t\s+\=\s+(\d+)/) {
      my $old_val = $1;
      my $new_val = int($old_val * 10 / 144);
      $input =~ s/$old_val/$new_val/g;

  return $input;


sub Translate {
  # Returns translated line by line

  my $output;
  while (my $line = shift) {
    if ($line =~ /Attribute/) {
      $line = "' $line";
    $output .= &Translate_line($line);

  # Last touches
    local $/;
    # Remove anything until first Attribute
    $output =~ s/.+?Attribute/Attribute/gs;

    # Remove attributes
    $output =~ s/Attribute.+?\n//gs;

  return $output;

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package Frm2Form;

use strict;

### Variables

# Strings to translate (vb format => gb format)
my %trans = (
		'\r'            => '',
		'VERSION (.+)'  => '# Gambas Form File 1.0',
		'VB\.(.+)\s+(.+)' => '$2 $1',
		'Client(\w+)'   => '$1',
		'Begin\b'         => '{',
		'End\b'           => '}',
		'BorderStyle'   => 'Border',
		'Caption'       => 'Text',
		'Command'       => 'Button',
		'CommandButton' => 'Button',
		'ButtonButton'  => 'Button',
		'Label'         => 'TextLabel',
		'\"(.+)\"'	=> '("$1")',
		'VScrollBar'    => 'Button' # really ugly hack

# Twips properties that must be converted to pixels
my @twips = qw (Top Left Width Height);

# Strings we don't know how to translate
my @nontrans = qw (
			LinkTopic MaxButton MinButton ScaleHeight ScaleMode
			ScaleWidth ShowInTaskbar TabIndex Picture
			StartUpPosition Alignment BackStyle

### Subs

sub Translate_line {
  # Returns translated line

  my $input = shift;

  # Return if non translatable
  foreach my $nontrans (@nontrans) {
    return if $input =~ /$nontrans/;

  # Translate
  foreach my $re (keys %trans) {
    my $regexp = "\$input =~ s/$re/$trans{$re}/g";
    eval ($regexp);

  # Convert twips
  foreach my $t (@twips) {
    if ($input =~ /$t\s+\=\s+(\d+)/) {
      my $old_val = $1;
      my $new_val = int($old_val * 10 / 144);
      $input =~ s/$old_val/$new_val/g;

  return $input;


sub Translate {
  # Returns translated line by line

  my $output;
  while (my $line = shift) {
    last if $line =~ /Attribute/;
    $output .= &Translate_line($line);

  # Last touches
    local $/;
    # Remove BeginProperty...EndProperty entire region
    $output =~ s/BeginProperty.+?EndProperty//gs;

  return $output;

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