[Gambas-user] Re: gambas-0.61 for qt-3.0.x

Charlie karl.reinl at ...9...
Sat Jul 12 21:21:07 CEST 2003

Benoit Minisini schrieb:

>Le Mardi 8 Juillet 2003 21:35, vous avez écrit :
>>Salut Benoît,
>>sorry to send you that
>>the attached error happend on my SuSE 7.2 , KDE 2.2.2 , qt-3.0.5 and gcc
>>I had a go with your 2 patched files copied to  ...../src/lib/qt
>Hi, Charlie,
>Here is a patch that should solve your problem.
>Tell me if it works with qt 3.0.
Salut Benoît,

thanks the patch is OK, make finished without ERROR.

But make install don't finish not properly while creating library info 
(see attachement)

I configured without kde (running kde 2.2.2) without pgsql (no devel 
I thing for a box with kde3 it will run.


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