[Gambas-user] Problems with class 'Connectio' >- SOLVED

F.J. Cruz fj.cruz at ...179...
Tue Jul 1 23:22:51 CEST 2003

The problem with the class "Connection" has been solved....emmm, ok, I think I 
must say how I do it  :-(, let me see......mmmmm.....in a few words:

To all de newbies: if you are trying to develop a databse application with 
gambas you musn't forgett set the right component (gd.b) in the project 
properties pannel!!!.

Sic.....sorry, I'm feel like a stupid.

Thanks to Benoit and Rob

     /v\      L   I   N   U   X
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   /(   )\  > Linux user #188524 <
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