[Gambas-user] About changes in ListView, TreeView & ColumnView

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Sun Dec 14 21:42:43 CET 2003

On Sunday 14 December 2003 16:13, Nelson Ferraz wrote:
> Benoit Minisini wrote:
> > I want to change the Dir$() function. Instead of behaving like the VB
> > one, I want it to return a Array of file names. This way, it will be
> > simpler to browser a directory. What do you think about that ?
> This is a good idea.
> The function could return a single value OR an array, depending on context:
>    myItem  = Dir$() ' return a single item
>    myArray = Dir$() ' return an array

There is no 'context' in Gambas. A function cannot know anything about where 
its return value will be stored. It is a matter of encapsulation. So Dir$() 
will return a String array.

> Another thing, it would be interesting to have the following methods to
> deal with arrays: Shift, Unshift, Push and Pop.

Hey... Push() and Pop() already exist !

>    item = Shift (array)  ' get first item
>    Unshift (array, item) ' insert an item at first position
>    Push (array, item)    ' insert an item at last position
>    item = Pop (array)    ' get last item

You can do: MyArray.Add(Item) or MyArray.Push(Item) to insert an item at the 
last position, and MyArray.Add(Item, 0) to insert an item at the first 

> The Shift method, in particular, could be useful to emulate the former
> behaviour. Something like this:
> myAray = Dir$()
> WHILE (myArray)
>    myItem = Shift (myArray)
>    ' do something with myItem

This is not a good idea to do that in Gambas with array. Removing an array 
element has a big cost, because the array may be reallocated.

Maybe I should add linked list datatype, named 'List' for example.


Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...

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