[Gambas-user] gambas 0.73

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Sat Dec 6 19:04:40 CET 2003

Hi, Gambas users,

Here is the 0.73 version of Gambas:

- File functions now automatically convert their file names arguments from 
UTF-8 to the local system encoding. 

- The QT component should compile with QT 3.2 now. 

- Some bugs have been fixed.

Here is a list of the 'problems' I want to fix before the 1.0 release:

1) Clean up the 'introspection' mechanism, i.e. the Symbol, Class and
Component classes.

2) Having a better image processing class: at the moment, you can access
pixels, replace colored pixels by transparent pixels, flip, stretch or rotate
an image. I'd like to have more powerful functions, or at least a well 
designed interface to these functions.

3) I'd like to be sure that gambas install and run correctly on all Linux
distributions, so don't hesitate to tell me when you can't do that with your
own distribution, or when you can, so that I know. I have only a Mandrake 9.2 
at home, and no VMWare yet !

4) Make some changes in the way ListView, TreeView and ColumnView elements can 
be browsed. The current interface is not well designed.

5) Having an updated documentation on the Wiki made by Rob. I hope this will
come soon ;-)

And, of course, if you see other important points, tell them on this
mailing-list !


Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...

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