[Gambas-user] 0.40pre2 on SuSE8, 2 little correction, sorry

NN heinpol at ...5...
Sun Dec 15 18:18:47 CET 2002

Hi All, Benoit and SuSE-users

First steps, here a fragment from ./configure without
explicit path options for QT and KDE. 

checking for QT 3.x libraries... /usr/lib/qt3/lib	'this is OK!
checking for QT 3.x includes... /usr/lib/qt-3.0.3/include/
checking for moc... /usr/lib/qt-3.0.3/include//../bin/moc

",/configure still doesn't find the qt-3.0.5-includes
and later choosing moc from the qt-3.0.3"

checking for KDE 3.x includes... /opt/kde3/include/
checking for KDE 3.x libraries... no

"here very similar: the paths are /opt/kde3/lib on SuSE.

regards juergen

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