[Gambas-devel] Release of Gambas 3.6?
mckaygerhard at ...176...
Mon Sep 22 23:55:41 CEST 2014
hi again.. also will' still gambas be compilable in older
distributions (excep for git and media components)
currently i have running gambas 3.5 and/or 3.4 in debian lenny jejeje
that's its the most important for me...specially the web and wiki components
>> 3. there's some problems loading binary files from sqlite db's example
>> (for ejemp: wtable!ccolumn = File.Load(binary.bin) and then
>> File.Save(binary2.bin, wtable!column.Data dont work, the resulting
>> binary2.bin are different respect binary.bin original; if necesary i
>> can report a bug issue again?)
>I need a little project that reproduces the bug.
ufff ok ok , i'll report a bug with a little project and a binary file..
>> 4. wiki markup and example are ready to 3.6 and stable
>"wiki markup"? What are you talking about?
i mean that components that made posible the wiki/help feature offline
such gb.markdown and complete stable gb.web also the examples of small wiki!
Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
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