[Gambas-devel] Release of Gambas 3.6?

Benoît Minisini gambas at ...1...
Mon Sep 22 17:38:47 CEST 2014

Le 22/09/2014 17:11, PICCORO McKAY Lenz a écrit :
>     From: Beno?t Minisini <gambas at ...1...
>     <mailto:gambas at ...1...>>
>     Hi,
>     I'd like to release Gambas 3.6 "soon".
> Thanks benoit for this great work, gambas as a solution of many
> complicated languajes such python and php are easy to my man powers that
> do not know nothing about linux!!!
> i have some questions:
>  1. there's will be included the help (at least on english) offline?
>     (VERY IMPORTANT when developer are in journeis working on a laptop)

Gambas 3.6 = /trunk

So if you have the offline help in /trunk, you will get it in Gambas 3.6.

>  2. gtk2 its still supoorted fully as qt and gtk3? this are important
>     for me due i already have too many project implementd with older
>     version of linux!!!!!

Yes. There are too many problems with GTK+3 to drop GTK+2.

>  3. there's some problems loading binary files from sqlite db's example
>     (for ejemp: wtable!ccolumn = File.Load(binary.bin) and then
>     File.Save(binary2.bin, wtable!column.Data dont work, the resulting
>     binary2.bin are different respect binary.bin original; if necesary i
>     can report a bug issue again?)

I need a little project that reproduces the bug.

>  4. wiki markup and example are ready to 3.6 and stable

"wiki markup"? What are you talking about?

Benoît Minisini

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