[Gambas-devel] Interface of gb.opengl.sge
Benoît Minisini
gambas at ...1...
Thu Mar 28 16:39:33 CET 2013
Le 28/03/2013 16:08, Tomek a écrit :
> On 28.03.2013 09:53, Benoît Minisini wrote:
>> Le 28/03/2013 09:24, Tomek a écrit :
>>> On 28.03.2013 02:41, Benoît Minisini wrote:
>>>> Hi Tomek,
>>>> I took a glance at your code, and I strongly suggest the following
>>>> changes to the gb.opengl.gse interface before you go further.
>>>> Why these changes? Mainly because I try to make Gambas components have
>>>> the most similar interfaces as possible, so that the learning curve is
>>>> lower.
>>>> By the way, not that there is a design problem too : the MD2 model
>>>> loading routine only works if the endianness of the CPU is the same as
>>>> the endianness of the file. You should ensure that if the endianness is
>>>> different, you swap the binary data accordingly.
>>>> Now the old interface :
>>>> GB_DESC Md2ModelDesc[] =
>>>> {
>>>> GB_DECLARE("Md2Model", sizeof(MD2MODEL)),
>>>> GB_STATIC_METHOD("Load", "Md2Model" , Md2Model_Load, "(Name)s"),
>>>> GB_METHOD("SetPosition", NULL, Md2Model_SetPosition,
>>>> "(X)f(Y)f(Z)f" ),
>>>> GB_METHOD("DrawFrame", NULL, Md2Model_DrawFrame,
>>>> "(Frame_No)i(Texture)i" ),
>>>> GB_METHOD("DrawInterFrame", NULL, Md2Model_DrawInterFrame,
>>>> "(Frame_No)i(InterFrame)f(Texture)i" ),
>>>> GB_METHOD("GetFramesNo", "i", Md2Model_GetNoFrames, NULL ),
>>>> GB_METHOD("GetFrameName", "s", Md2Model_GetFrameName,
>>>> "(FrameNumber)i" ),
>>>> GB_METHOD("Scale", NULL, Md2Model_Scale,
>>>> "(Scale_x)f(Scale_y)f(Scale_z)f" ),
>>>> GB_METHOD("_free", NULL, Md2Model_free, NULL ),
>>>> };
>>>> The new one I suggest:
>>>> GB_DESC Md2ModelDesc[] =
>>>> {
>>>> GB_DECLARE("Md2Model", sizeof(MD2MODEL)),
>>>> GB_STATIC_METHOD("Load", "Md2Model" , Md2Model_Load, "(Name)s"),
>>>> // 'SetPosition' renamed to 'Move'
>>>> GB_METHOD("Move", NULL, Md2Model_SetPosition, "(X)f(Y)f(Z)f" ),
>>>> // Three properties to get/set the one coordinate
>>>> GB_PROPERTY("X", "f", Md2Model_X),
>>>> GB_PROPERTY("Y", "f", Md2Model_X),
>>>> GB_PROPERTY("Z", "f", Md2Model_X),
>>>> // A virtual object for accessing frame properties and count
>>>> GB_PROPERTY_SELF("Frames", ".Md2Model.Frames"),
>>>> GB_METHOD("Scale", NULL, Md2Model_Scale,
>>>> "(ScaleX)f(ScaleY)f(ScaleZ)f" ),
>>>> // Maybe you should add ScaleX, ScaleY and ScaleZ properties too.
>>>> GB_METHOD("_free", NULL, Md2Model_free, NULL ),
>>>> };
>>>> GB_DESC Md2ModelFramesDesc[] =
>>>> {
>>>> GB_DECLARE_VIRTUAL(".Md2Model.Frames"),
>>>> // Was Md2Model_GetNoFrames
>>>> GB_PROPERTY_READ("Count", "i", Md2Model_Frames_Count)
>>>> GB_METHOD("_get", ".Md2Model.Frame", Md2Model_Frames_get,
>>>> "(Frame)i"),
>>>> }
>>>> // The _get method of Md2Model_Frames is implemented that way:
>>>> BEGIN_METHOD(Md2Model_Frames_get, GB_INTEGER frame)
>>>> // Store the frame number into the object, it will be used
>>>> immediately
>>>> // by the method called on the virtual .Md2Model.Frame object.
>>>> // Maybe check that the frame number is valid now.
>>>> // And don't forget to add the 'frame' field into the object
>>>> // structure.
>>>> THIS->frame = VARG(frame);
>>>> GB_DESC Md2ModelFrameDesc[] =
>>>> {
>>>> GB_DECLARE_VIRTUAL(".Md2Model.Frame"),
>>>> // Was 'Md2Model.DrawFrame'
>>>> GB_METHOD("Draw", NULL, Md2Model_Frame_Draw, "(Texture)i"),
>>>> // Was 'Md2Model.DrawInterFrame'
>>>> GB_METHOD("DrawInterFrame", NULL, Md2Model_Frame_DrawInterFrame,
>>>> "(InterFrame)f(Texture)i"),
>>>> }
>>>> Tell me what you think about that and if you have questions!
>>>> Regards,
>>> Hi Benoit,
>>> Thanks for your suggestions, I will try to do as much a I can using
>>> devel-api documentation page. It's the best way to learn I think. When
>>> I'm stuck, I'll ask for your help, ok?
>>> Question 1 - How do I check endianess of the CPU from component level?
>> You must read a well known two or four bytes integer value from the file
>> with fread, and see if you get it swapped or not.
>> If you get it swapped, then you know that all binary values must be
>> swapped.
>> You can use the magic identifier at the beginning of the file, but
>> beware that you must check it byte by byte before reading it as a binary
>> data.
>> Otherwise you may take some files starting with the magic number
>> inverted as MD2 model files!
> As I absolutely have no means to test Big-Endianness, I think I'll just
> put GB.Error("Big Endian not supported yet."), if reading header gives
> reversed value.
>>> One more question - what would be the best way to make the class
>>> creatable - Md2Model_new I suppose, but what should be in that function?
>>> Can it be empty? Without creatable class I can't make an array of it.
>> Yes, you must be able to create void models, and manage them in all
>> functions.
>> If a void model must not be used anywhere, you can use the "check hook".
>> You declare the check hook in the class description structure with:
>> GB_HOOK_CHECK(my_check_function),
>> Then 'my_check_function' must be a function taking a pointer to a
>> Md2Model object and returning an integer different from zero if that
>> object is invalid. (The interpreter will raise the 'Invalid object'
>> error).
>> Moreover, you must think about implementing boolean operators between
>> models if it has some sense (merging two models for example). I have no
>> idea, not being an OpenGL expert, but if you want to implement such a
>> thing, then a void model must be perfectly valid then.
>> Regards,
> Is it similar to cquad class in GLU? But Md2Model has no external
> initiator as quadric do.
No idea. :-)
But if you have two models, maybe it is possible to create one model
that is the union of both. But I have no idea if it is possible or
useful. I just told you so in case.
> I made some changes if file, but cant figure out how to return frame
> object. File Md2Model.c attached.
Sorry, I forgot a line:
BEGIN_METHOD(Md2Model_Frames_get, GB_INTEGER frame)
// Store the frame number into the object, it will be used immediately
// by the method called on the virtual .Md2Model.Frame object.
// Maybe check that the frame number is valid now.
// And don't forget to add the 'frame' field into the object
// structure.
THIS->frame = VARG(frame);
Then the Md2Model_Frame_Draw method does not take the frame number as
argument anymore. It will use 'THIS->frame' internally instead.
Benoît Minisini
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