[Gambas-devel] New(er) enumeration API
Tobias Boege
tobias at ...692...
Wed Oct 3 20:56:19 CEST 2012
On Wed, 03 Oct 2012, Tobias Boege wrote:
> Hi,
> today while debugging the new List code for gb.data I encountered problems
> with the new enumeration API. There are _few_ places to learn from (I took
> CResult.c) but apparently something doesn't quite work out with it:
> I want to run through all references I manage for a chunk in a List (a
> 'chunk' contains some Variants). These are the 'Current' pointer and all the
> enumerations currently active. The ultimate goal is to update members of
> these reference structures just because the elements they point to in the
> chunk changed their location. The convenience macro looks like this:
> #define for_all_persistent_vals(list, vp, es, ebuf) \
> for (ebuf = GB.BeginEnum(list), vp = &list->current, es = NULL; \
> vp ? 1 : (GB.EndEnum(ebuf), 0); \
> !GB.NextEnum() ? (es = (struct enum_state*) GB.GetEnum(),\
> vp = &es->next) : (vp = NULL))
> (admittely not a very appealing piece of code)
> where 'list' is the Gambas List object, 'vp' is a pointer to the structure
> I want to update, 'es' is my struct enum_state and 'ebuf' is whatever I get
> back from GB.BeginEnum() and have to pass to GB.EndEnum().
> The thing now is that, even if no enumeration runs in the Gambas code, I get
> some 'es' which contains information that could actually have been valid (in
> fact, it refers to the last enumerated object in the last enumeration).
> For some reason, the important part (the pointer to the chunk which sits at
> offset 0 from the 'es' pointer) is set to NULL and thus, my library
> segfaults on NULL pointer dereference.
Actually, I set it myself to NULL which indicates the end of enumeration to
the List_next routine. But why does that 'es' appear again without being in
I have a really bad feeling now since I only get the 'es' filled if I put in
some basically unrelated Gambas code before the List.Take() from which the
above problem originates...
I just want to know: Is it possible under normal circumstances to get an old
non-running enumerator from that GB.*Enum() interface?
> Benoit, can you please enlighten me if I am doing something wrong with these
> functions?
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