[Gambas-devel] Question about GB.CanRaise()

Benoît Minisini gambas at ...1...
Sat May 26 16:35:24 CEST 2012

Le 26/05/2012 14:41, tobi a écrit :
> Hum, I don't want to bother you again but I find my answer even less helpful now than yesterday. Let
> me explain the code a bit as I intend to tidy it up afterwards anyway.
> All input related stuff is worried about by the INPUT module input.c. It gets initialised by the
> main hook and then enters cbreak mode which I personally find the most useful for ncurses programs
> (signal generation from, e.g., ctrl-c and character-by-character input). Therefore, stdin becomes
> watched. A callback is associated to this watching, which is INPUT_callback(). This simply calls
> WINDOW_raise_read() (when entering NoDelay mode things get trickier internally but the event stuff
> will remain the same because, if even, only the watched fd changes). Then we are already at the
> problem with GB.CanRaise().
> Don't stress yourself, I continue gb.ncurses on another frontier happily in the meantime.
> Regards,
> Tobi

Do you have some Gambas project to let met check that?

Benoît Minisini

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