[Gambas-devel] To Tobias : about gb.ncurses interface

Benoît Minisini gambas at ...1...
Mon Jun 4 20:08:32 CEST 2012

Le 04/06/2012 18:14, tobi a écrit :
> I cannot disagree to "strong" suggestions ;)
> In fact, splitting Color to Color and Pair is a good idea.
> I didn't concern much with the Color class yet. I remember to have read something about the
> [0..1000] arguments but I simply didn't recognise it (strange, because I wrote the code :)),
> will be done.
> So, the next thing - if I ever finish that NoDelay input mode - would be to implement controls. I
> have only some thoughts and half of a draft about that but it will likely turn the Window class into
> a container-only object, so, in the future, there will be no distinction (and yes, in the meantime,
> we can assume that borders are one character each)
> Screen.RepeatDelay is o.k., too.
> Regards,
> Tobi

I want to release 3.2 next week. If I can't, it will be at the end of 
the month.

Can you synchronize your development so that Gambas 3.2 has a clear 
distinction between the stable part (whose interface should not change) 
and the unstable part (controls, and maybe NoDelay) ?

Benoît Minisini

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