[Gambas-devel] Components name and installation

Benoît Minisini gambas at ...1...
Mon Aug 6 21:35:04 CEST 2012

Le 23/07/2012 11:46, Patrik Karlsson a écrit :
> Hi,
> I finally succeeded in writing my first 'dummy' component, it does not
> do much, but it looks to be a valid component. :)
> In the Packaging section of
> http://gambasdoc.org/help/dev/gambas?v3#t20 I am told to use the name
> convention gambas3-vendor-name, so I'm using gambas3-trixon-testa.
> On the same page it says: "Even if the packager wizard allows to insert
> the package vendor string into the package name, please avoid it."
> When I create an installation package, the name
> is gambas3-trixon-gambas3-trixon-testa-3.2.1 and the checkbox for prefix
> is selected and disabled. My global Preference/Packaging/Prefix... is
> set to "No".
> Once compiled and installed the component is named gambas3-trixon-testa.
> Is "gambas3-trixon-gambas3-trixon-testa" a bug in gambas or in my brain?

OK. The documentation is not up to date.

The name of a component package is gambas3-<vendor>-<project name>. If 
you name your project 'gambas3-trixon-testa', if you set 'trixon' as 
vendor name, then you will get the following package name: 

So you should name your project just 'testa'.


Benoît Minisini

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