[Gambas-devel] a problem with gb.db.mysql-gui

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at ...16...
Sun Jul 19 12:56:58 CEST 2009

Am Samstag, den 18.07.2009, 15:48 -0700 schrieb David Villalobos
> Hi, it it created in the mysql database to store aditional info for a user, it is automaticly created by the MySQL Administrator, I was waiting for the realise of MySQL 5.1 to see the definition of the table, and if it does not exists  then create it, but I don't have time rigth now.
> Why?
>  Regards
> --
> David
-----------------8< -----------------------------------
I'v tried to see the 'User Information' adn Schema Privileges' 
and it was told Query failed: Table'mysql.user_info' doesn't exist.

So I asked my and later you, what is that table and where does it come


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