[Gambas-devel] BUG: Form, Module and Class rename

Kadaitcha Man nospam.nospam.nospam at ...176...
Tue Dec 8 13:08:38 CET 2009

2009/12/8 Charlie Reinl <Karl.Reinl at ...16...>:

> Hi nospam,
> You can read and  interprete it, as you want. If you see any apologetics
> in that, OK.

It's not ok to me on a developer list, Charlie.

> But for your rename case:

Charlie, don't take offense, but, yes, I do see apologetics. It isn't
good enough for me to be offered an obtuse explanation for dodgy
behaviour on a developer list. It is only good enough that the
development team ask themselves if the behaviour is right, wrong or
open to improvement. If I wanted mere explanation as opposed to
improvement I'd have posted to the user list.

> on the disk that would be alright

I know how to suck eggs, Charlie. I don't need to be taught. And just
what is the relationship between the disk (I assume you mean operating
system) and trying to improve Gambas, anyway?

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