[Gambas-devel] Gambas3 Directory Structure

Kadaitcha Man nospam.nospam.nospam at ...176...
Mon Dec 7 11:28:33 CET 2009

2009/12/7 Charlie Reinl <Karl.Reinl at ...16...>:
> Am Montag, den 07.12.2009, 21:07 +1100 schrieb Kadaitcha Man:
>> 2009/12/7 Charlie Reinl <Karl.Reinl at ...16...>:
>> > Why should programmer want to see the files
>> lol - if you can't see the files, why have a directory?
> that's a simple form of a repository on a disk. No?
> And keep all together, what belongs a typ ,(project, image, source-code)
> And for quick access to all that, you have the gambas IDE.
> Oh, did you know, that the IDE reads all whats needed when it starts
> (components) and source-code when open the project.
> All changes which comes "from outside" are not considered.
> (Not tested in gambas3)

I give up.

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