[Gambas-devel] Gambas3 Directory Structure

Kadaitcha Man nospam.nospam.nospam at ...176...
Mon Dec 7 10:01:09 CET 2009

2009/12/7 Charlie Reinl <Karl.Reinl at ...16...>:
> Am Montag, den 07.12.2009, 16:51 +1100 schrieb Kadaitcha Man:
>> 2009/12/6 Charlie Reinl <Karl.Reinl at ...16...>:
>> > Am Sonntag, den 06.12.2009, 12:26 +1100 schrieb Kadaitcha Man:
>> > for the empty appearing gambas3-directories, perhaps try Ctrl+H (with
>> > Nautilus) to see hidden directories, mainly .src .
>> I know that. What's the point of having empty directories and having
>> to press Ctrl-H?
>> It doesn't make sense to me.
> Toggles view (hide or show hidden files/directories)

Charlie, you've been very helpful to me in the past, which I'm truly
very grateful for, but right now you're either being a bit dense or
you're not understanding the problem, or both :)

I'll try again. What is the point of having having everything in the
project folder hidden?

I want to see my files, by default, so why does G3 try to hide them
from me? Why do I have to go to the trouble of pressing Ctrl-H at all?

There is no point to it that I can fathom. None at all.

I mean, why hide something that the programmer can unhide? All it does
is force the programmer to unhide the files. It really seems verrückt,
beknackt, irre, irrsinnig, wahnsinnig, bekloppt, spinnert,
übergeschnappt, verdreht, versessen, rappelig, toll, fetzig, spleenig,
sinnlos, nichts sagend, aussichtslos, stumpf, unnütz, müßig, zwecklos
undt eine Verschwendung von Zeit :)

Capice, old mate?

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