[Gambas-devel] BUG (in gb.qt?) Button.Background

Patrik Karlsson patrik at ...603...
Thu Jun 26 14:58:44 CEST 2008

_Gambas 2.7_

I have noticed a problem when trying to change the color of a button
in run time.

When I place a button on a form at design time, I'm able to change its
color, but trying to change during run time will not work.
I added this

PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
  DIM hBut AS NEW Button(ME)
  hBut.BackColor = Color.Red

At program start, I can see the button flash in red, and after that,
return to default color.
The button made with design gets to keep its color.

  { Button1 Button
    Background = &HFF21C4&
    Text = ("Button1")

When I make this project a gb.gtk, it is all ok.
Patrik Karlsson

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