[Gambas-devel] need a bit of explanation - please

Kari Laine kari.laine at ...605...
Fri Aug 15 12:29:21 CEST 2008


I try to figure out Gambas and because I am not C-guru I have used two 
hours now to understand possibly a basic thing...
Could someone help?

In function

CLASS *CLASS_register_class(GB_DESC *ptr, CLASS *class)

There is a loop

  desc = (CLASS_DESC *)&gambas[1];

  for (start = NULL; start == NULL; desc++)

The problem I have is to understand this bit
    switch ((intptr_t)desc->gambas.name)
Where gambas.name is initialized to have the values tested in the case 
clauses? Somehow name's pointer is usefull to give out information.

Also in the same switch there is following
      case (intptr_t)GB_INHERITS_ID:
        CLASS_inheritance(class, CLASS_find((const char 
Why is CLASS_find called with a generall name like Control ?

Hopefully someone understands my question.

Best Regards
Kari Laine

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