[Gambas-devel] Using Gambas-1.9.20

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at ...16...
Sat Oct 15 21:25:25 CEST 2005

Salut ,

I started to use gambas-1.9.20 now, (for testing).

After my problem with huge forms, while moving projects from
gambas1 , I found the following.

- User.Name don' work 

-After changing the Text in a Tabstrip and save it, everything on that
    	Tabstrip goes lost. (see attachted Test-0.0.1.tar.gz which is only a form
	an imported 	form from a gambas1 project, try it)

- The debug-Cursor shows the text behind only in the first line when starts,
 	after that you have only a colored line.
- At a Breakpoint also you don't see the text under.
	(see Editor.png)

All about my box you find in sysInfo.log.

Gambas-1.9.20 was installed by 
./configure -C --disable-gtk --disable-sdl --disable-odbc 
> /opt/gambas2/configure.log 2>&1

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