[Gambas-devel] Updated sqlite and sqlite3 drivers for Gambas Long
nigel at ...2...
nigel at ...2...
Thu Nov 17 19:00:55 CET 2005
Not much of a change was required; sqlite really has few datatypes. For our purposes the gambas datatypes are just psuedo types stored in the table descriptions.
I notice that the sqlite3 driver is still not visible in the data manager; could you add it.
Kind regards
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Name: /home/ngerrard/gambas/gambas2-1.9.21/gb.db.sqlite/src/sqlite.main.cpp
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URL: <http://lists.gambas-basic.org/pipermail/devel/attachments/20051117/d7fb83fd/attachment.cpp>
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Name: /home/ngerrard/gambas/gambas2-1.9.21/gb.db.sqlite3/src/sqlite3.main.cpp
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URL: <http://lists.gambas-basic.org/pipermail/devel/attachments/20051117/d7fb83fd/attachment-0001.cpp>
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