[Gambas-devel] Debugging gambas-source-code

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at ...16...
Sat Mar 26 21:03:36 CET 2005

Salut Benoit,

actually I succeted to work with Eclipse 3.0 on the gambas-sourccode.
I made it to an eclipse-project and can build it form there, without any 
change made to the original packet from the shrine.

Today I also succeted to custemize the eclipse - debugger (which use gdb) to 
debug gambas.

But I olny can debug binaries from the project, which are gba, gbc, gbi and 

Not knowing gdb well, my question is, is it possible to debug components ?
And if, what have I to do to have access ?

If I set a breakpoint in CTableView.cpp gdb 
'No source file named CTableView.cpp.
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.'

Would be nice to have some help, about that.

Send you an SnapShot 

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