[Gambas-devel] xslt

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at ...16...
Sat Mar 12 00:23:45 CET 2005


send this mail, even if it is prematurity for my actual knowledge .
Listening the started discussion about xforms etc. on the list.

To know I like to work with the XML-structure, I use it to save my data, but I 
will also use it to descript my gambas-forms.

I made a project to read in gambas forms and saved it to an XML structure.
see attached MySQLLogin-0.0.6.tar.gz and set the startup to CReadForm if not.

But I'm lazy, too lazy to write a code to transform that Form.xml to a gambas 

Why am I to lazy to do that? I hope to find the day where I need it, I can do 
it with a style sheet who calls Gambia's Subs or Functions, which will do the 
job for me, and for all Form.XML I need.

I did that in VB6 with msxml 3.x  like 
        <xsl:for-each select="BUTTONS">
            <xsl:for-each select="./BUTTON" >
                <xsl:value-of select="processor:SETBUTTON(.)" >

processor:SETBUTTON(.) called in an class 'preprocessor' the function/sub 
SETBUTTON with the node (.), where all rules for Buttons, and set this on the 
form .

With am XML/XLS like that, you can design your project on an browser or in an 
Actually I know the xlst from gambas can't do that.

So I need from Daniel Campos informations about the lib/libs used by the 
xlst-component , to know if that what I want is possible with th lib used.

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