[Gambas-devel] gb.v4l update

Daniel Campos danielcampos at ...45...
Wed Jun 29 17:27:33 CEST 2005


I've finished all that I wanted for the v4l component: capture support, 
and support
for a Tuner, so you can select the frequency on a TV card. So I've 
placed the
stable release at:


 (gnulinex DNS is already up and running, so if you
can not enter today, please wait a few hours).

I changed some names to be more generic. The main class now is 
"VideoDev" instead
of "WebCam". There are two virtual classes:

- VideoDevTuner : to manage to frequencies
- VideoDevFeatures: to get video device capabilities.

Note that this component is just intended for capture, do not expect to 
show images at
1024x768 over a remote desktop and things like this :-)). However, one 
of the properties,
"id", gives you the possibility of using the new API-Call capabilities 
of Gambas, if you
want to perform special actions.

I've updated the example, too.

Benoît: even if this component is just for Linux (it is sure Windows has 
not a v4l interface,
and I don't know about FreeBSD), it can be useful for a lot of people: 
some market applications,
for example, use to allow to connect to a webcam so the owner of the 
store can view remotely if somebody
is stealing (or sleeping :-)), and it is useful to show images on a web 
page, using a CGI, too.
Do you plan to include it in the main sources?


D. Campos

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